The season of rebirth and growth is upon us — the perfect time to learn a new skill, try a new dish, or embrace different ways of thinking. Make the most of this spring with a visit to Jack’s Place.
Join Us for Wine Down Wednesdays
Fancy a midweek merlot? Join us at Jack’s Place any Wednesday in April and receive a complimentary appetizer with the purchase of any bottle of wine.
Recipe of the Month: Jack’s Escargot
This Mediterranean classic is among the many mouthwatering apps available on Wine Down Wednesdays. But why wait? Follow these six simple steps to prepare perfect escargot at home.  

1. Add eight pieces of large escargot, ½ tbsp. minced shallot, ½ tbsp. minced garlic, and ½ cup picked and trimmed wild mushrooms to a hot sauté pan.  

2. Cook until caramelized, then deglaze with 2 tbsp. white wine and (if desired) a splash of Galliano. 

3. Add 1 tbsp. heavy cream and six blanched and peeled baby heirloom tomatoes to pan. 

4. Reduce liquids in pan by 50%. 

5. Add 1 tbsp. butter and 4 tbsp. of pesto, then season with salt and pepper to taste. 

6. Garnish with shaved Parmesan and serve with your favorite grilled bread.
Celebrating Our Differences
In honor of National Autism Awareness Month, Jack’s Place is celebrating three of the most prolific creators of the 20th century. Albert Einstein, Alfred Hitchcock, and Charles Schulz, each believed to be on the autism spectrum, harnessed their unique minds to contribute wonderful works to humanity.  

Their caricatures hang at the entrance and tables 14 and 15, respectively.
Meet The Team
Alejandrina de Burgos

Originally from the Dominican Republic, Alejandrina began a new adventure and career in Orlando, FL, in 1992. Alejandrina was hired by Rosen Hotels in 2011 and brings professional culinary experience, passion, dedication, and care to Jack’s Place. While she’s typically responsible for salads and desserts, Alex is able to assist in each area of the kitchen. All who work with Alejandrina notice her high level of discipline in preparedness and detail and the joy she takes in her work.

When not making delicious meals for Jack’s Place guests, Alejandrina enjoys listening to music, dancing, and decorating. Her greatest love is spending time with family and her 12-year-old Yorkie, Gismo.